Dev Relax

Stress Detecting and Relieving Application

DevRelax is a desktop application designed and developed using machine learning technologies to detect and assist in relieving users stress levels and alleviating emotions.

Literature Survey

Stress has become an all-encompassing concern in today's fast-paced world, casting a shadow over individuals' health, well-being, and productivity. The extensive ramifications of stress, including burnout, heart disease, and even premature death, underscore the urgency of addressing this issue. Paniker et al.'s survey [1] explores the application of machine learning techniques to detect stress, representing a key avenue in this endeavor. This review paper synthesizes insights from four core components related to stress and emotion detection and management, offering a comprehensive overview of the landscape. Notably, the shift towards remote work, especially in the IT industry, introduces new stressors, such as isolation, exacerbating stress levels and associated health problems [2].

Stress, as a multifaceted phenomenon, can lead to a wide array of detrimental consequences, from mental health issues to severe depression and, in the worst cases, suicide. Traditional methods for stress detection often rely on subjective symptom-based assessments that necessitate expert intervention. Nevertheless, recent technological advances, notably in the realm of machine learning, hold promise for enhancing stress detection and management. Gedam et al.'s review paper [3] showcases how stress can be effectively and accurately detected through wearable sensors and machine learning techniques. Globally, researchers have explored multiple approaches to stress detection, encompassing facial expression recognition [4], speech analysis [5], and wearable devices [3]. While these methods offer valuable insights, they often focus on isolated physiological factors, indicating the need for a more integrated approach, particularly for high-stress environments like the IT industry.

  • [1] S. Panicker and P. Gayathri, " A survey of machine learning techniques in physiology based mental stress detection systems.," Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 444-469, 2019.
  • [2] ​A. Rezvani and P. Khosravi, "Emotional intelligence: The key to mitigating stress and fostering trust among software developers working on information system projects," International Journal of Information Management, pp. 139-150, 2019.
  • [3] S. Gedam and S. Paul, "A review on mental stress detection using wearable sensors and machine learning techniques," IEEE Access, no. 9, pp. 84045-84066, 2021.
  • [4] ​D. Arasu, A. AzlanMohamed, N. Ruhaiyem, N. Annamalai, S. Lutfi and M. Qudah, "Human Stress Recognition from Facial Thermal-Based Signature: A Literature Survey," CMES, 2022.
  • [5] M. Alva, M. Nachamai and J. Paulose, "A comprehensive survey on features and methods for speech emotion detection," ICECCT, pp. 1-6, 2015.

Our Research Gap

Accessibility of Stress Detection

Research gaps exist concerning the accessibility of stress detection tools, such as headgear for brain wave analysis. Not all individuals may have access to such equipment, potentially limiting the reach of stress detection and management solutions.

Audio-Only Stress Relief

Some stress management solutions primarily rely on audio waves and music for stress relief, which may limit their effectiveness. A gap exists in providing a more comprehensive approach to managing stress beyond audio-based interventions.

Background Stress Detection

Existing systems often require users to actively engage in stress detection processes. There is a gap in developing background applications that seamlessly detect stress without requiring additional user actions (Running in the Background seamlessly).

Real-time Data Collection

Research gaps include the critical and immediate need for near-real-time stress and emotion data collection, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of stress management solutions compared to methods that involve manual user actions or video logs.


Research gaps involve the application of Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) techniques for providing activity recommendations that address both stress relief and emotion alleviation simultaneously. This represents a promising area for improvement.

Context-Aware Stress Reduction

While some research emphasizes physiological stress markers like heart rate monitoring, gaps exist in integrating context-awareness into stress management solutions, allowing for personalized and timely stress reduction recommendations based on specific user situations and needs.

Research Problem

The primary research problem addressed in this study is the need to detect users' stress levels and emotions without interrupting their daily work while using common equipment. This issue arises due to the prevalence of prolonged computer screen work, particularly among IT professionals, which often leads to heightened stress levels and emotional strain. The challenge is to provide effective stress relief and emotion alleviation solutions in this context. To address this core problem, four sub-research problems have been identified, encompassing stress detection from keyboard dynamics, external mouse with HR sensor, facial feature analysis, and computer-based activity recommendations. These sub-problems collectively aim to provide a comprehensive approach to managing stress and emotional well-being for IT professionals without disrupting their work routines.

Proposed Solution

The research problem at hand centers on the imperative need to detect users' stress levels and emotions without disrupting their daily work activities, employing readily available equipment. In the fast-paced world of information technology, characterized by extended periods of computer screen work, stress has become a prevalent concern. The proposed solution adopts a multifaceted approach by addressing four key sub-research problems: stress detection through keyboard dynamics, real-time emotion detection through facial feature analysis, and personalized recommendations for stress relief and emotion alleviation. This holistic approach aims to empower IT professionals by seamlessly and unobtrusively monitoring their well-being during prolonged computer screen work, offering context-specific interventions to enhance their overall quality of life without work disruption.

Main Objectives

Accurate Stress Detection

Develop a robust stress detection system that accurately assesses users' stress levels.

Precise Emotion Detection

Implement an emotion detection component that can precisely identify and evaluate users' emotional states.

User-Friendly Interface

Create a user-friendly desktop application with an intuitive interface, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Real-Time Monitoring

Enable real-time monitoring of stress levels and emotions, allowing for timely interventions.

Personalized Recommendations

Provide personalized recommendations and interventions to assist users in managing their stress and emotions effectively.

Background Operation

Ensure that the system operates discreetly in the background, allowing users to perform their tasks without disruption while benefiting from stress and emotion management.

Our Methodology

The system architecture at the core of this proposed solution aims to develop a machine learning and reinforcement learning-based application tailored for IT workers, aggregating user data from keyboard dynamics, heart rate dynamics, and facial dynamics to provide individualized stress-relief activities. To ensure precise stress detection and individualized stress reduction recommendations, performance is assessed through user testing and cross-validation.

The proposed solution comprises four main components: detecting stress through keystroke dynamics, detecting stress via an external mouse using an HRV sensor, detecting stress facial analysis using a webcam, and providing personalized stress-reduction recommendations. These components work together to offer a more efficient method of stress management tailored to specific needs and preferences. The system flow includes users performing their regular work tasks, with the components monitoring keyboard and mouse data, processing it through machine learning models, and generating predictions for the user's stress level. The recommendation system then evaluates the data and suggests stress-relieving activities for the user to help reduce their stress levels.

Timeline Milestones

  • January 2023

    Topic Evaluation

    During this phase, we carefully assessed and selected a research topic that held significant relevance to our project's goals, ensuring that our research direction was well-founded.

  • January - March 2023

    Project Charter and Proposal

    We created a project charter and proposal, outlining the scope, objectives, and a detailed plan for our research project, serving as a roadmap for the entire research journey.

  • May 2023

    Progress Presentation I

    During this phase, we presented an initial overview of our research progress to stakeholders, providing a glimpse of our project's development and key findings.

  • May 2023

    Status Document I

    This document summarized the current status of our project, offering a snapshot of where we stood in terms of research goals and accomplishments.

  • June 2023

    Research Paper

    We compiled a comprehensive research paper, encompassing our research methodology, findings, and conclusions, thereby showcasing the core outcomes of our research.

  • July 2023

    Status Document II

    During this phase, we updated the project's status in our second status document, highlighting any changes in the project's status and findings that had occurred since the initial status document.

  • September 2023

    Final Reports

    During this phase, we prepared final reports that consolidated all aspects of our research, including detailed results and recommendations, providing a conclusive overview of our research efforts.

  • September 2023

    Progress Presentation II

    Our second progress presentation presented comprehensive results and findings to the panel, offering a deep dive into the outcomes of our research.

  • October 2023

    Final Evaluation

    During this phase, we critically assessed the overall success and impact of our research project, identifying its strengths and areas for potential improvement, which will inform future research directions.

  • October 2023

    Logbook Evaluation

    We reviewed and evaluated the logbook or research diary, ensuring that our research activities and insights were properly documented for future reference and transparency.

  • November 2023

    Website Evaluation

    During this phase, we evaluated the project website's effectiveness in disseminating information about our research project and promoting it to a wider audience, assessing its role in our outreach efforts.


Our Techstack



Arduino IoT


Blynk Cloud







Google Colab

Project Documents

  • All Documents
  • Individual
  • Group
  • Research Paper
  • Reports

Topic Assessment

Contribution Type
Submitted on

Project Charter

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Submitted on

Project Proposal

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Submitted on

Status Document

Contribution Type
Submitted on

Status Document II

Contribution Type
Submitted on

ICAC Conference Paper - IoT

Contribution Type
Submitted on

ICAC Conference Paper - Recommendation System

Contribution Type
Submitted on

IRJIET Jorunal Paper - Keystroke Dynamics

Contribution Type
Submitted on

IRJIET Jorunal Paper - Stress Relieving App

Contribution Type
Submitted on

Final Report

Contribution Type
#group #individual
Submitted on


Contribution Type
Submitted on